Advanced Exam Simulation & Review for the MLS (ASCP) and MLT (ASCP) exams
LabAmigo has developed one of the most advanced Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) exams specific to the MLT (ASCP) and MLS (ASCP) certification exams. Every adaptive exam comes with 4 additional Full-Length Review Exams that can be used as further review material in order to help you prepare to take the exam.
- Exams Built from Experience
Exams developed and designed from the ground up by people who have taken and passed both the MLT (ASCP) and MLS (ASCP) exams. Exam questions and answers validated for quality and accuracy by those working in the field as well as by those instructing in and directing clinical lab educational programs.
- Exams Built from Experience
Exams developed and designed from the ground up by people who have taken and passed both the MLT (ASCP) and MLS (ASCP) exams. Exam questions and answers validated for quality and accuracy by those working in the field as well as by those instructing in and directing clinical lab educational programs.
MLS (ASCP) Exam Package 1
1 MLS (ASCP) Adaptive Exam
4 MLS (ASCP) Review Exams
2 years to complete & review